Making clinical research crystal clear

Plain language services

There has never been more demand for effective plain language communication.

Delivering breakthrough treatments involves many stakeholders – including researchers, regulators, grant approvers, healthcare professionals and patients. Everyone involved benefits from effective communication. However, the industry has only recently considered how best to communicate clinical research information more comprehensively to patients and the general public. This is recognised by global regulators and policymakers through regulatory requirements for plain language communication:

Translating technical terms and concepts used in clinical development into plain language requires significant expertise.


Effective plain language writing requires expertise at many different levels

We offer world-class plain language services for clinical research by applying

Our deep understanding Icon

Our deep understanding of the complexity of public health communication

extensive experience Icon

Our extensive experience in health literacy and numeracy principles

Artificial intelligence, sensitively applied for efficiently creating easy-to-understand, accurate, and consistent outputs

Social listening Icon

Social listening to understand how patients and public discuss health topics

Engaging with patient Icon

Engaging with patient partners to better understand disease areas

Experience of our experts

Completed hundreds of plain language communication materials

Delivered both content and graphic design support

Implemented plain language processes for study sponsors

Trained clinical study teams on plain language concepts and processes

Published articles on key developments in the plain language domain

Contributed to the development of industry standards

Services offered

  • Plain language writing services, including but not limited to following documents

Informed consent documents (ICDs)

Trial consent element documents (TCEDs)

Plain language protocol synopses

Plain language summaries (PLSs) for clinical trial results

Plain language summaries of publications

Patient information leaflets

Patient recruitment material

Public health education material
  • Health literacy review of existing plain language material
  • Review of material by a patient representative panel (patient panel review) or public representatives (non-scientific panel review)
  • Facilitation of training for study teams on plain language concepts and processes
  • Graphic design support for plain language material (infographic, template designing, comic and video formats)
  • Advisory services, including understanding the implications of regulations and developing process documents, e.g., SOPs, templates, glossaries, lexicons, training materials
  • Translation and dissemination services

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